Principal Investigator
Frédéric Chédin
You can read about me in my Faculty Profile. |
Postdoctoral Scholars
Talysa Viera
Talysa is a postdoctoral researcher in the Chedin Lab. She received her Ph.D. in Biotechnology from New Mexico Tech. Her research interests include DNA damage, R-loop biology, and bioinformatics. Outside of the lab, Talysa spends time with her family watching movies, reading comic books, baking, and playing frisbee with her active pup, Loki. |
Stella Regina Hartono
Graduate Students
Meghan Frederick (Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology)
Meghan is a third-year BMCDB student. Her research focus revolves around examining the intricate relationship between AQR, splicing processes, and R-loop formation within the mammalian genome. |
Ethan Holleman (Integrative Genetics and Genomics)
Deana Villagomes (Integrative Genetics and Genomics)
Deana is a 2nd year IGG student. Her research revolves around elucidating the relationship between RNA splicing and R-loop formation in Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS). |
Lab Tech
Tadas Sereiva
Tadas is a proficient junior specialist engaged in investigating the intricate correlation between R-loop formation and SSB through the application of advanced R-loop footprinting techniques, specifically SMRF-seq. Outside the laboratory, Tadas dedicates leisure hours to engaging in activities such as cycling, running, and exploring around Davis. |
Undergraduate Students
Saloni Dhopte
Saloni is a fourth-year Genetics and Genomics major with a minor in Statistics. She is investigating the role of various proteins involved in RNA processing in causing genome instability due to R-loop accumulation. Saloni loves to hike and listens to a lot of Bollywood music. |
Past Members
Postdoctoral Scholars
Graduate Students
Amir Moarefi
Bethany Wienholz
Master’s Students
Emily Wise
Yiwen Zhang
Laboratory Technicians
Lionel Sanz |
Matthew Guess |
Undergraduate Students
Catherine Nugent
Miriam Rivkin
Kelly Chau
Eric Haunschild
Scott Phillips
Sarah Jamison
José Zambra
Nicole Sadler
Madeline Nguyen